Sunday, March 10, 2019

Kindergarten Connection ~ February - Early March 2019

😀Kindergarten Connection😀
February & Early March
We take care of each other! 
One friend was not in school this day.
We love to work and play together!
One friend was not in school this day.
I encourage you and your children to read/view the post together and talk about what's happening in the different photos. I bet they'll have lots to say about the100th Day of School and Valentine's Day photos!

Math Highlights
We are working on...
-Counting on and backwards from a given number
-Reading, building and writing number sentences (equations)
-Solving and creating addition and subtraction story problems within 10
Counting by two’s and doubles facts
-Creating and extending patterns
-Naming and exchanging coins (pennies and nickels)
-Analyzing graphs
-Comparing sets of numbers (more, less, equal)
-Representing teen numbers as a group of ten and some more ones
-Talking about math and justifying our math reasoning 
-Playing compare partner games
-Forming numerals without reversals
-Solving problems in more than one way
-Solving group challenge problems

Literacy Highlights  
We are working on...
-Reading books at our instructional level in small groups
-Writing stories with a beginning, middle and end
-Writing complete sentences using adjectives and punctuation 
-Reading for information and pleasure
-Building reading stamina
-Reading and writing high frequency words quickly
-Listening closely and speaking clearly
-Writing our first and last names
-Building word families (cvc words)
-Playing phonemic awareness games
-Partner reading
-Writing How-To teaching books
-Writing alliteration stories
-Long vowel spelling patterns
-Telling oral stories
-Creating rhyming chains and stories
We can look for parts we know and patterns to build 100 chart puzzles.
It feels good to be challenged!
We like to paint during Explore.
This is one of our favorite games called speed Yatzee.

We read a book titled The Skin You're In and talked about how we are all the same and we are all different.
We made our faces out of magic molding clay and noticed how beautiful our different shades of skin are.

The 100th Day of School!
We created a museum of 100.
We used 10 frames to help us organize ten groups of ten to represent 100 objects.
It feels good to work as a team!

We are sharing our favorite How-To books on the SmartBoard.
We are always practicing our flexible addition and subtraction skills.

Valentine's Day
The joy on the children's faces when they opened their cards was priceless! 

We read this book and then created maps of our own hearts.

We love partner math games!

We know how to document our math work using Seesaw.
This app allows us to explain our work using voice and drawings on top of pictures. 
This work is so engaging and meaningful! 

We are becoming cvc word experts.
100 Scrolls
We love Writer's Workshop!
It's always fun to get messy and create at the Theme Station.
We play a different greeting game most mornings.
This morning we mended broken hearts and then said good morning to our friends. 

"I like to play with the animals."
I asked the kids to write a sentence telling their favorite thing to do at CCS.
Here are a few responses.

"I like Writer's Workshop."

We are getting so good at sounding words out and using our best kindergarten spelling.

100 Srolls

 Writer's Workshop
Your child can log into the site through the school website.
March Calendars

We are building our reading stamina!
We can read independently for 15-30 minutes!

We love buddy reading!
We are so impressed with the growth our friends are making with their reading skills!

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