Sunday, February 15, 2015

More Valentine's Day Photos

100th Day of School and Valentine's Day

Happy 100th Day of School 
and Valentine's Day!
One very enthusiastic kindergarten student made 100th Day decorations at home to decorate our classroom.
100th Day of School Morning Message
100th Day of School Trail Mix

We made fruit loop necklaces by stringing 10 groups of ten fruit loops together.

We gathered in the meeting area to count, chant, sing and dance to  celebrate the 100th Day of School!

We wrote 100 words!

100th Day of School Writing Prompts 

100th Day Activities
100 Dots
100 Links
100 Legos
Museum of 100 

100 Chart Puzzles

100 Piece Puzzles

Happy Valentine's Day!
We talked about our favorite books and book genres and set a goal to engage in 20 read aloud lessons before the end of the week. We met our goal! We love to read in kindergarten!
Valentine's Day Envelopes
Passing out Valentines

Thank you to this little sweetie and her family for donating ice cream for our  Valentine's Day party.
We all enjoyed this special treat!