Saturday, November 18, 2017

Kindergarten Connection ~ End of October - November

I am incredibly thankful to be your children's kindergarten teacher. It is a privilege to teach and learn with your kind, curious and hardworking children everyday!

Scroll down for more Halloween photos

Literacy Highlights
The children are actively reinforcing new skills and concepts through motor-memory methods and kinesthetic procedures. Motion chanting, skywriting, tracing, tapping and finger-blending solidify learning within the brain. We can name all 26 letters of the alphabet and match them with their corresponding sounds. Ask your child to chant the letters/sounds for you. Remind your child to show you the motions that go with each letter/sound.

Letter Name–Keyword–Letter Sound

Writer's Workshop
We are writing up a storm in kindergarten! We are studying various authors and illustrators work to learn how writers create engaging and informative books. This week we learned the power of word choice, full illustrations and diagramming. Encourage your child to write a book at home. Maybe you and your child can co-author a book. Happy writing!

Math Highlights

We are becoming teen number experts in kindergarten! We can represent teen numbers as a group of ten and some more with ten frames, tally sticks, scattered objects and our math hands. We are learning how to represent the part-part-whole relationship of addition with objects and written equations. The children are working hard at justifying their math thinking as they work with partners and share in front of the class. We continue to practice naming numerals, ordering numerals, and counting forwards and backwards. 

We are leaning about the seasons and how animals prepare for the winter. We will begin a full weather unit in December.

Play Dough Recipe
Here's an easy recipe if you are looking for something fun to do with your child over the vacation.

Cooked Play Dough Recipe 1 cup flour
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup water

1/2 cup salt
2 tsp cream of tarter
food coloring
Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan. Cook over medium heat.

Stir constantly until mixture forms a ball. Knead until smooth.
Store in covered container.
We read Ed Emberley's Go Away, Big Green Monster! and made our own scary green monsters.

Mrs. Vicki Nelson
Team Kindergarten 
We are ready to march in the CCS Halloween parade

Waiting to See Pumpkin Man

Pumpkin Man
We can order numerals using before, after and between math language.

We can copy and record our real life geo board creations on iPads.

We can read, build, extend and record a variety of simple to complex patterns.

October Self Portraits
Four Winds
We learned all about erosion. A big thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers!

Math and Literacy Work Board Jobs
We are building our independent reading stamina.
We can clap words to count syllables.
We can't get enough reading time.
We can read independently for 15 minutes!

We folded paper to discover how lines make up different shapes.

We know all about two and three dimensional shapes.
Go on a shape hunt in your home. What shapes can you find?

We can read and write the word the.

We're little nuts :)

We can say words slowly to help us write.
We are learning how to write complete telling sentences.
We can say words write the first letter of words using lowercase letters.

We can find objects that rhyme.
We can count collections 1-100 to tell how many are in a set.

We can use tools to help us write numbers without any reversals.

Our book baskets are beginning to overflow!

We can tally to help us count quickly.

We are engineers!

Reading Strategy Cards
We are working in small Guided Reading Groups to help us apply learned reading skills in books that match our different instructional levels.

Make sure you read, read, read over the Thanksgiving break!