Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 5th ~ Kindergarten Connection


Literacy Highlights
We are reading and writing up a storm in kindergarten! We are working on building stamina during Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop sessions. We are taking turns sharing our work from the Author’s Chair and on the SMART Board. We are also working on initial and final consonant blends blends, digraphs, long and short vowel spellings, punctuation, letter formation, reader’s/author’s voice, adding more detail to our writing, and using non fiction text elements such as the table of contents and glossary.  

Math Highlights
We are working on using a variety of strategies to solve three digit addition problems. The focus of this work is on explaining our math thinking to deepen understanding. For example, if a child is presented with a 10 dot frame, a 4 dot frame and a 7 dot frame, how can he/she justify the sum 21. Does he/she touch count all dots, organize 10 and four into 14 and then count on 7 more, notice groupings of 5’s and 10’s, work with know number combinations, notice doubles facts…  Play around with addition and subtraction number and word problems and ask your child to teach you different strategies to solve the problems. We are also working on measurement (weight, length, capacity and time), constructing and deconstruction three dimensional shapes, and interval counting with number lines.
Science Highlights
We are curious horticulture scientists in kindergarten. We dissected seeds and diagramed and labeled our findings in science journals. We planted seeds and recorded the procedure in our journals. We recorded how our seeds have change over time. Encourage your child to share what he/she knows about seeds, plants, life cycles and taking care of the environment. Invite your child to help you work in an established garden or start a window box garden together.  Five and six year old children love to get their hands dirty!
Four Winds
We learned all about how/what things decompose over time
and the 4 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle and rot).

We took a walking field trip to the CCS compost shed.
We learned how long it takes for different items to decompose.
This book inspired us to plant our own rainbow gardens.

We worked in our planting journals to document how our lima bean seeds have changed over time.

Honestly, if you give a kid a clip board, the rest is easy :)

We love to read with friends!

Making June Calendars 

The last page of this book invited us to create with shapes...So we did!

Addition and Subtraction Fish
Writing Center Prompt

Subtraction Games

Yup, there's always time for fun with good friends in kindergarten!
We planted beans and potatoes in the CCS Garden.
We can't wait to see them on our lunch plates in first grade!
Planting Beans

Planting Potatoes