Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Kindergarten Connection ~ January 9th

Happy New Year! January proves to be a magical time in kindergarten as students academic and social skills really take off!

We can rotate independently through learning stations! Ask your child to teach you all about the different stations: Guided reading, word study, iPad, ABC (phonics), FUNdations, Writer’s Workshop, number study, partner games, theme, Workplaces and math exploration.

Literacy Highlights
We can read and write the listed snap words (high frequency words) quickly. Make a word wall in your home and encourage your child to practice reading and writing these words often. Hunt for snap words in books and magazines. Write a note/letter to someone special using these words. Write a story about an important moment or event and notice how many of these words you use. These are the words we know in a snap: I, am, a, can, the, we, see, will, he, she, it, is, in, no, yes, on, have, like, look, you, are, love, me, for, my, so, go, off, big, little, up, and, an, if, Mom, Dad, going, and are. 

We are learning how to put two sounds together to read and write initial blends in words such as flap, trip, brick, and frog. We learned the –ake spelling pattern and discovered that –ake is in make, snake, cake, lake, rake, fake, bake and Jake. We noticed that the at the end of these words is silent and helps the first vowel make its long sound. We are studying word families to understand that knowing how to read one word can sometimes help us read other words if they have the same spelling pattern. For example, knowing the word cat can help us read the words mat, sat, rat, hat, pat, bat, chat... 
We are learning how to tap consonant-vowel-consonant (cvc) words on our fingers to isolate individual letter sounds and then blend all three sounds together to read and write cvc words. Ask your child to teach you how to tap the words cat, dog, fun, lip, pot, sit, and hot.  

We continue to work on writing true stories that include a beginning, middle and end. Next week we will learn how to write How To books. 

As always, make time to read and write with your child everyday :)

Math Highlights
Our focus this week was on creating, representing and solving addition and subtraction problems in multiple ways. Just for fun, play addition and subtraction games with your child using pennies and beans. Ask your child: How many different combinations to make 5 or 10? What happens to a group when you add or subtract 1? Encourage your child to justify his/her math reasoning with words, objects, equations or number trees.

Counting, counting, and more counting! We are working hard at counting on from random numbers, counting by 10's, counting backwards from 20, and skip counting to 20 by 2’s. We are also working on identifying before and after numbers. In addition, we are learning how to use graphs to collect and analyze date.

Science Highlights
Ask your child to describe the day's weather to you. Talk about why we have different weather conditions and how weather impacts our lives and choices. Study the weekly forecast with your child to look for weather patterns and changes.

We passed a firework ball around the circle as we shared our big goals (resolutions) for the New Year.

The children were so thoughtful as they contemplated and shared their goals.

We watched a firework show to kick off the new year! 
We made January calendars.

We wrote about the winter break. 
We can write in complete sentences using spacing, lowercase letters and ending punctuation.
Anyone can read our writing!

Our sight word book basket is overflowing! This book helped us learn to read the word my.

We can form uppercase letters the kindergarten way.

We can tap, read and write cvc words.
We can add dots on dominos and write matching equations.

We can decompose numbers.

We read Snowmen at Night and then wrote about what we would do if we were a snow friend at night.
Winter Words
We are becoming weather experts in kindergarten.
We can observe and record the day's weather.
We are learning about temperature and how to use different types of temperature tools.

We love to dance!
We can't get enough nonfiction/informational books.

We are learning how give characters voices.

We love to partner read!

We can use a variety of reading strategies to read new texts.
We are learning how to use seesaw. This app allows us to create, document and share our learning.
Our focus is on recording the weather using pictures, labels and voice.

Nothing better than a fresh batch of play-dough and friends!

Explore Time


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