Friday, January 20, 2017

Kindergarten Connection ~ January 20th



January proves to be a magical time in kindergarten as the students’ academic and social skills really take off!

We can rotate independently through literacy and math groups! Ask your child to teach you all about the different stations: Guided reading, word study, iPad, ABC (phonics), FUNdations, Writer’s Workshop, number study, partner games, theme, Workplaces and math exploration.

Literacy Highlights
We can read and write the listed high frequency words quickly. Make a word wall in your home and encourage your child to practice reading and writing these words often. Hunt for high frequency words in books and magazines. Write a note/letter to someone special using these words. Write a story about an important moment or event and notice how many of these words you use.  These are the words we know in a snap: I, am, a, can, the, we, see, will, he, she, it, is,in, no, yes, on, have, like, look ,you, are, love, me, for, my, so, go, off, big, little, up, and, an, if, Mom, Dad, going.

We are learning how to put two sounds together to read and write initial blends in words such as flap,trip, brick, frog... We learned the –ake spelling pattern and discovered that –ake is in make, snake, cake, lake, rake, fake, bake and Jake. We noticed that the at the end of these words is silent and helps the first vowel make it’s long sound.

We are learning how to tap consonant-vowel-consonant (cvc) words on our fingers to isolate individual letter sounds and then blend all three sounds together to read and write cvc words. Ask your child to teach you how to tap the words cat, dog, fun, lip, pot, sit, hot.  

As always, make time to read and write with your child everyday :)

Math Highlights
Our focus this week was on creating, representing, and solving addition and subtraction problems in multiple ways. Just for fun, play addition and subtraction games with your child using pennies and beans. Ask your child: How many different combinations to make 5 or 10? What happens to a group when you add or subtract 1? Encourage your child to justify his/her math reasoning with words, objects and equations.

Counting, counting, and more counting! We are working hard at counting on from random numbers, counting by 10's, counting backwards from 20, and skip counting to 20 by 2’s. We are also working on identifying before and after numbers. In addition, we are learning how to use graphs to collect and analyze date.

Science Highlights

Ask your child to describe the day's weather to you. Talk about why we have different weather conditions and how weather impacts our lives and choices. Study the weekly forecast with your child to look for weather patterns and changes.

We love to read with our 5th grade big buddies! 

We can represent teen numbers as a group of ten and some more ones.

We can decompose numbers.

We love to play partner games. This game is called Butterfly race and teaches us about ordinal numbers, addition, problem solving, and turn taking. 
This game is called Grab Bag Doubles. This game teachers about doubles, odd and even quantities, recording data with tally marks, comparing, and counting by 2's.

We made paper chain connections with our 5th grade buddies to discover how we are all the same, and how we are all different.
Our chain was more than 300 links long!
We just added this game to our iPad homepage. 

Look how engaged we are at our math Workplaces! 
It was easy for us to generate a list of cold weather words.
We are noticing that the more high frequency words we know, the easy it is for us to read and write.
One of focus words this week was look. We discovered that the word look can help us write book, cook, took, shook, and hook.
"I like to look at the moon!"
"I like to look at video games."
We are really into word searches!
"I am going to watch TV and have a snack."

Conferencing with Miss Akt. 
We created our own mandalas at Peace Time.

Our sight word book basket is overflowing! This book helped us learn to read the word my.
We are building our reading stamina! We can read basket books, guided reading books, and library books for up to 15 minutes independently! 
We are learning how to form uppercase letters the kindergarten way.

We love to write lists! This is a list to help a friend get ready to go pretend shopping.
These friends just went shopping at the grocery store with their  lists . Next up, cooking a meal for their restaurant. 

This book inspired us to make our own snowmen and write fiction stories about what their snow friend would do at night.

Our new favorite math game is called roll, add, and compare. Ask your child to teach you how to play with only two dice and piece of paper. 

We are having a dance party!
More practice forming uppercase letters 


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