Friday, March 27, 2015

Kindergarten Connection ~ March 27th

It is spring again. The earth is like a child that 
knows poems by heart.  -Rainer Marie Rilke

Thank You, Parents!
Thank you for taking time to conference with me about your child’s growth in kindergarten. I look forward to partnering with you for the remainder of the year as your child gears up for first grade. 

Literacy Highlights 
We are reading and writing up a storm in kindergarten! We are focusing on using a variety of strategies to read instructional level books. We are learning how to recognize spelling chunks and little words inside of big words to read and write tricky words. This week we worked on the initial consonant blends bl, fl, gr, br and we added –ut, -ud, -ag to our list of known word families. During Writer’s Workshop we wrote more ‘How To’ books and started our 5 Senses books. We also ‘changed out’ our classroom library to reflect the spring season, with an emphasis on informational books. Make time to read and write with your blooming child everyday!

Math Highlights
We are learning how to represent and solve addition and subtraction story problems using objects, number sentences, props, math talk and our math hands. We are working hard to solve problems in more than one way and to justify our math thinking. We know that when we work hard, persevere through stuck points and share our thinking our brains grow and we feel good! 

We are beginning to learn about measurement and will have opportunities to use math tools to measure capacity, weight, temperature and length.  Help your child locate and use measuring tools in your home.

We are learning about two-dimensional and three -dimensional shapes.  Go on a shape walk and identify circles, spheres, squares, cubes, triangles, cones, rectangles, and rectangular prisms.  Ask your child to teach you all about shapes and their different attributes.

Science Highlights
We began a unit on our 5 senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching). Next week will focus on hearing and smelling. The students will explore high, low, loud, and soft sounds with instruments.  They will study a model of the human ear and conduct an experiment to learn how sound travels and how our ears work. Take a listening walk with your child and talk about what you hear. The core idea of this unit is that our 5 senses and brains work together to help us experience the world around us!

Special Guest
Mr. Marino visited our class! He read us a book and taught us all about his trumpet.

Spring is in the air! We are busy reading fiction and informational books all about the spring season and weather .
We celebrated the first days of spring by working on a special art project with Ms. Rowntree's class. The children love getting together as a whole kindergarten community!

We can read and write two more trick (high-frequency words). The children are feeling good about their ability to read and write these words quickly. 

Digraph Bingo
We sorted objects with the sh, th, and ch sounds and played digraph bingo.

We can hear and record shot vowel sounds in CVC words.
Spring Time Poem Activity
The children memorized a beautiful poem about early spring time and pussy willows.

We can read these little words in a snap!
We are color word experts!

Real or Nonsense Words?
The children had lots of laughs rolling consonants and vowels to build real and nonsense words.

We read The Wind Blew by Pat Hutchins and then wrote our own version of this windy story.
Number Corner
Look at all the different ways we can think about and represent numbers!
We measured with unifix cubes and recorded our findings.

Mr. Feeley, an expert mathematician, joined our math class.
He was VERY impressed by the students math talk and big math thinking. 

Four Winds
We learned all about deer and their important role in the ecosystem. 

Let's Play! 


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