Saturday, January 10, 2015

Kindergarten Connection ~ January 10th


I wish you a happy and healthy 2015!

We are back in the swing of things in Kindergarten!
The children returned to school refreshed and excited to learn and play with their friends.
Gingerbread Houses
Thanks for joining us for this special event! 
I apologize in advance if your photo is not posted. 
I must have accidentally erased a few photos from my iPad. 

We can say words slowly to listen for beginning, middle and ending sounds.
We can represent letters with sounds and we know that every word has to have
at least one vowel. 
We are authors and illustrators! We are working on writing pieces to  capture small moments of our lives and inform others. 
This author wrote about how she learned how to ski over the vacation.
This author wrote about his imaginary vacation to Disney World.

We are working hard in small reading groups. The children have been matched to books that are just right for their reading level. 
We can build and record addition combinations to ten. 
We can identify numbers that come just before and just after given numbers.

Every week we get one or two opportunities work on the phonics program Lexi. You can access this program at home through the school website under teacher online resources.
Ask your child to tell you the login information or email me for more info.
We can write addition sentences to match dominos. 

We cut up and ordered this telling sentence about winter. 

We made January calendars. Happy New Year!
We are working hard at writing numbers the kindergarten way without any reversals.

Mr. Bianci taught us how to play a coding game on iPads! We partnered up with iPads and practiced writing code to help a character move from obstacle to obstacle on the screen. 
It snowed inside the classroom!
Each snowball had a different high frequency word on it and we practiced reading and spelling the words before tossing them into the tub. So fun!

We unveil the word of the week Wheel of Fortune style on the SmartBoard.
This word took a long time to guess because it didn't have an a,e,i,o or u in it.
We learned that sometimes y steps in for the other vowels in words.
We hunted for the word my in our newest book basket book.

This is one example of a morning message this week.
We continue to work on building our reading stamina.
We are up to 7 minutes of quiet read-to-self time.
Writer's Workshop time is one highlight of our day.
These authors are sharing their work and offering suggestions for next steps.

We like to share our writing work in the big screen during Author's Share time.

We played a fun game called Grab Bag Doubles.
We discovered that doubles always have partners and  are even.

We leaned how to form the uppercase letters H, I J, K and L. 

We read several books about animals in the winter. Ask your child to teach you about how animals survive in when the air is fidget and the ground is blanketed in snow.

And of course we played a lot! 
We read the story The Mitten by Jan Brett.
We sewed our own snow white mittens and retold the story with paper puppets.

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